Let’s Talk. Memor


Introducing Maxine Midtbo, the founder of Memor. A multidisciplinary artist focused on thoughtfully interpreting and elevating fragments of daily life into contemporary heirlooms. We first discovered Memor via Instagram and we were instantly drawn to the outstanding beauty of her creations and our shared ethos of mixing the old with the new. If you’re into shells and ceramics then you’re going to love Maxine’s work.

If you are going to start a business, you need people close to you to support you and believe in and value your ideas.
— Maxine. Memor Studio
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Where is home for you?   

Cincinnati Ohio, USA.

Can you tell our readers a bit about Memor?  

Memor is a collaborative practice which uses a process similar to mosaics to create vessels and objects made with reused and up-cycled discards, antiques, personal heirlooms, etc.


How did Memor start for you? It’s magical.

As a child my mom would take me with her to auctions and estate sales where I think I began to pick up on the art of collecting. In 2018 I began to experiment creating vessels with shards we had collected from our farm house, some 100 years old. It took me a long time to develop my process to where it is today but my first collaboration in 2019 with Rachel Saunders really kick started the brand.

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The Memor x Rachel Saunders Ceramics collection aims to highlight and repurpose the many fragmented and often discarded details of our daily lives. Inspired by ancient traditions, this collaboration was born with the intention of breathing new life into old forms.
— Rachel Saunders
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Is Memor your full time job? And if so, what did you do before? 

I started working for myself full time in the summer of 2019. After college I worked as a manager for a retail boutique, an art gallery manager, and for a laser design studio. I built retail window displays and took on random prop styling gigs as well.

What are your biggest creative influences? 

Folk art, pique assiette, ceramics and mosaic works through out the ages.

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Can you tell us what your top three sites or online publications are when it comes to looking for inspiration? 

I’m really inspired by fashion. My favourite designers at the moment are, Maryam Nassir Zadeh, Tigra Tigra, and Mozh Mozh.

Who is your favourite artist/s? 

This answer seems to change depending on where I am currently in my art practice. Lately I’ve been enjoying various authors as “artists”.

Where in the world do you feel most inspired? 

My home.


How do you begin your creative process? 

Every morning I start with stream of consciousness writing. I wake up really early and do my most important work for the day before 10 am.

When starting your business did you come across any big challenges? If so, can you tell us what they were and how you overcame them? 

I think like anyone starting a business the challenges are many and often but each day I learn more. First I had to accept that I was running a business, I never imagined this role for myself and I definitely struggled with some imposter syndrome. I’ve created an incredible support system around me. Friends and family, people I can celebrate with, share my struggles, who lift me up and encourage me to keep going.

If you are going to start a business, you need people close to you to support you and who believe in and value your ideas.

What are your top three books? 

This answer changes often too but recently I’ve read “The Artist’s Way” and Lana del Rey’s book of poetry “Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass”. I’m currently reading “Wisdom Walk”.

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When running your own business it can be incredibly difficult to switch off, especially when you are so passionate about what you do. Do you have any tips? 

This is something I’m still figuring out how to do. I think it’s especially difficult when you work from home or when you are getting emails and messages at all times of the day. For me I’ve had to dedicate strict time off, days I don’t work or do work related things. I don’t let myself go into my studio. I usually find doing something with friends or family allows me to forget about work completely in their presence.

What is next for Memor? 

I have so many exciting collaborations in the works for this year. I’ve connected with some creatives I really admire and I’m so excited to share our visions. I’m also taking a little “artist residency” of sorts in April for an on-site project. Can’t wait to share more.

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follow memor’s journey here.



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