Let’s Talk. Alexandria Coe

Introducing Alexandria Coe to this weeks reading material. An artist and creator with an abundant amount of authenticity, passion and effortless style. We’ve had Alexandria Coe’s work on our walls at home for sometime now so it is a real pleasure to be featuring her today.

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Where do you call home?

London but I love travelling. I feel like I haven't met my permanent home yet.

How would you describe your work in 3 words?


What was it that drew you towards a career in art?

I have always wanted this, although I didn't believe I would get this far. I still have a way to go but it really does sometimes feel like a dream. I picked up drawing again to heal from a traumatic time and really helped me through, so it makes me happy that I am able to share it with others.

What did you do before becoming a full time artist?

I was mostly a student, I studied textile design and had several jobs to save up to do a masters. Since then my career as an artist slowly grew.

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How does it make you feel when you are being creative?

I feel like someone turned off the noise and it’s quiet and I am at peace. Creativity for me is drawing, painting, cooking, writing and dancing.

What are your biggest influences?

My experiences, everything comes from the heart. I am interested in human relationships with ourselves and each other and everything in between.

Who is your favourite artist/s and why?

Louise Bourgeois. There is just so much about being a woman which you feel in her work, she expresses experience so uniquely. I would also love for an Egon Schiele on my walls.




Where in the world do you feel most inspired?

Travelling for sure, I even find planes inspiring. It takes you away from your comfort zone and daily worries and it gives you the space to think and reconnect back to yourself.

How do you begin your creative process?

I often listen to music, sometimes I will listen to sad and emotive music as it helps me feel deeper into my heart. I often laugh at how cliche I sound. I really need to want to draw otherwise it just doesn't work for me. I need to feel into it from every angle.

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Tell us about your book, Lovers? What inspired you to create this book and what is the message that you want to share?

LOVERS really does come from my own experience, for me creating this was about closure from a relationship and by the time I finished it, it felt like it was a book of memories.

The couples drawings were always super popular, I started these drawing inspiration from my own romance but before long they started to feel a lot more symbolic. They became more about the relationship between men and women, between needing to be loved and to be free, between patriarchy and liberation.

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Do you have any advice for budding artists who would like to begin to share their work with the world?

Make sure it comes from an authentic space. I would say the best work I have done is when I did self enquiry and work. People can always tell when someone's passions, experience and skill all match up to the work they create. Find out what makes you tick and constantly question why.

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The content you create is truly beautiful and very honest. Do you have a favourite part of content curation?

I love it. I know people find instagram a pressure but I actually enjoy it, it’s like telling a story through your mood board of the things you love, whilst keeping some mystery.

Where is your favourite place in the world?

Somewhere I can stare into the ocean.

When doing something you love as your “job” it can often be difficult to separate your work and personal life. Are you able to separate the two?

Hmmm yes and no. I definitely have "commercial work" time and "personal" time but I feel they are becoming more and more tangled.

Do you have a favourite quote?

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
— Gloria Steinem
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What is next for Alexandria Coe?

I have no idea and I am trying to learn to be ok with that.

Follow alexandria coe’s journey here.



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